PROGRAMME ====================== SUNDAY, 11 AUGUST 1991 ====================== 19:00 Opening ceremonies (Panasonic Globe Theatre) Presiding: Tetsuo Kishi, Chairman, Programme Committee of the Shakespeare Society of Japan Speakers: Yasunari Takahashi, President, the Shakespeare Society of Japan Ann Jennalie Cook, Chairman, the International Shakespeare Association Stanley Wells, Chairman, Congress Committee of the International Shakespeare Association Jill Levenson, President, the Shakespeare Association of America J. A. Barnett, CBE, Director, the British Council, Japan Performance of The Braggart Samurai, a Kyogen adaptation by Yasunari Takahashi of The Merry Wives of Windsor ================== MONDAY, l2 AUGUST ================== 9:30 Plenary Session I (Toranomon Pastoral Hotel): Stephen Greenblatt (University of California, Berkeley) Shakespeare Bewitched [Presiding: Ann Jennalie Cook (Vanderbilt University)] 11:00 Plenary Session II (Toranomon Pastoral Hotel): Ruth Nevo (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Mousetrap and Rat Man: An Uncanny Resemblance [Presiding: Stanley Wells (Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham)] 13:30 Seminar I: Actors, Stages and Playhouses: Current Understanding of Shakespeare's Theatre [Leader: John Astington (University of Toronto)] (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) Seminar II: Psychoanalytic Approaches to Shakespeare [Leaders: Richard Wheeler (University of Illinois) and Jan Lawson Hinely (University of Illinois)] Seminar III: Marxism and the Study of English Renaissance Drama [Leaders: Walter Cohen (Cornell University) and Susan Wells (Temple University)] Seminar IV: Shakespeare and the Heterogeneous Classroom [Leaders: Charles H. Frey (University of Washington) and Sharon A. Beehler (Montana State University)] l5:45 Seminar V: Acting and Language in Shakespeare and the Eastern Theatre [Leader: Minoru Fujita (Osaka University)] Seminar VI: Shakespeare and Contemporary Production [Leader: William Green (Queens College, City University of New York)] Seminar VII: Teaching Shakespeare as a Foreign Language Text [Leaders: J. Lawrence Guntner (Technische Universitat, Braunscheweig) and Andrew M. McLean (University of Wisconsin)] Seminar VIII: Shakespeare and the Making of Cultural Meaning [Leaders: Terence Hawkes (University College, Cardiff) and Margreta de Grazia (University of Pennsylvania)] l9:00 Congress Reception (Toranomon Pastoral Hotel) Host: Yasunari Takahashi, President of the Shakespeare Society of Japan =================== TUESDAY, l3 AUGUST =================== 9:30 Short Papers Session 1 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: Roger Pringle (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust) Speakers: E. A. J. Honigmann (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Shakespeare's Will and Testamentary Traditions Roslyn L. Knutson (University of Arkansas at Little Rock). A Caliban in St. Mildred Poultry Akihiro Yamada (Meisei University). Text Performance and Bibliography B. Chairperson: Jean Fuzier (University of Montpellier) Speakers: Francois Laroque (University of Montpellier). The Jack Cade Scenes Reconsidered: Popular Rebellion, Utopia or Carnival? Jill Levenson (Trinity College, University of Toronto). The Conceits of Richard II Paola Pugliatti (University of Florence). 'More than history can pattern': Event and Counter-event in Shakespeare's Histories C. Chairperson: Yoshiko Ueno (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Speakers: Dennis Bartholomeusz (Monash University). Shakespeare's Imagination and the Orient: the Orient Imagines Shakespeare Osamu Hirokawa (Komazawa University). Shakespeare's Dramaturgy of 'Seeing': King Lear and a Japanese Kyogen Play Manuel Conejero (Shakespeare Foundation, Valencia). 'Macbeth' in Castilian: a Literary and Theatrical Leap 11:30 Short Papers Session 2 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: John Roe (University of York and Kyoto University) Speakers: Robert Ellrodt (University of Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle). The Inversion of Cultural Traditions in Shakespeare's Sonnets Catherine Belsey (University College, Cardiff, University of Wales). Modern Love: Desire and Metamorphosis in Venus and Adonis Robin Headlam Wells (University of Hull). Locating Texts in History B. Chairperson: Toshio Murakami (Hosei University) Speakers: Howard Felperin (Macquarie University, Sydney). The Theatricality of History: 1 Henry IV Sukanta Chaudhuri (Presidency College, Calcutta). Shakespeare and the Ethnic Question C. Chairperson: Kirisitan Smidt (University of Oslo) Speakers: Drek Cohen (York University, Ontario). Shakespeare and Political Traditions: Othello's Suicide J. Erasmus Nel (University of the North, South Africa). The Reception and Future of Shakespeare in South Africa Eldred Jones (University of Sierra Leone). 'Ten Leagues beyond Man's Life': Shakespeare and Africa l4:00 Film: 'Zeami and the Noh Theatre' (Auditorium, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) l6:00 Workshop on Shakespeare's Clowns led by Chris Harris (Auditorium, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) 19:30 Lute Recital by Martin Eastwell (Auditorium. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) ====================== WEDNESDAY, 14 AUGUST ====================== 9:30 Plenary Session III (Toranomon Pastoral Hotel): Germaine Greer (Newnham College, University of Cambridge) The Offstage Mob: Shakespeare's Proletariat [Presiding: Barbara Mowat (Folger Shakespeare Library)] 11:00 Plenary Session IV (Toranomon Pastoral Hotel): Takashi Sasayama (Kwansei Gakuin University) Tragedy and Emotion: Shakespeare and Chikamatsu [Presiding: Shinsuke Ando (Keio University)] 13:30 Seminar IX: Shakespeare and Traditions of Resistance and Revolution (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) [Leader: Donald Hedrick (Amherst College)] Seminar X: Defining Shakespeare: Works of Disputed Authorship [Leader: MacDonald P. Jackson (University of Auckland)] Seminar XII: Translating Shakespeare [Leader: Jerzy Limon (University of Gdansk)] Forum: Shakespeare and the Revenge Tradition [Leaders: Harry Keyshian (Fairleigh Dickinson University) and Lalita Pandit (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse)] 15:45 Seminar XIII: The Culture of the Royal Court: Queen Elizabeth I (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) [Leaders: Richard McCoy (Queens College, City University of New York) and Constance Jordan (Claremont Graduate School)] Seminar XIV: The Body as Site of Class and Gender Differentiation [Leaders: Steven Mullaney (University of Michigan) and Peter Stallybrass (University of Pennsylvania)] Seminar XV: Cultural Translation [Leader: J. R. Mulryne (University of Warwick)] Seminar XVI: Shakespeare on Screen World-Wide [Leader: Kenneth S. Rothwell (University of Vermont)] l9:00 Performance of Kemp's Jig by Chris Harris (Auditorium, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) ==================== THURSDAY, l5 AUGUST ==================== 9:30 Short Papers Session 3 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: George Hughes (University of Tokyo) Speakers: Jay Halio (University of Delaware). Shakespeare and Semitism Avraham Oz (University of Haifa). 'Which is the Merchant here? And Which the Jew?' Tetsuo Kishi (Kyoto University). 'I know not what you mean by that': Shakespeare in Different Cultural Contexts B. Chairperson: Jonathan Bate (University of Liverpool) Speakers: Gunnar Sorelius (University of Uppsala). Shakespeare as Prophet and Liar: Israel Hwasser's Criticism of Macbeth Werner Habicht (university of Wtirzburg). Romanticism, Anti-romanticism and the German Shakespeare Tradition Michael Neill (University of Auckland). 'Adultery is my nature': the Bastard as Cultural Anomaly in Shakespearian Drama C. Chairperson: Martin Prochazka (University of Prague) Speakers: Ina Schabert (University of Munich). Political Shakespeare in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1990 Zdenek Stribrny (University of Prague). Shakespeare as Liberator: Macbeth in Czechoslovakia Ralph Berry (University of Ottawa). Kenneth Branagh's Herny V and Ian Charleson's Hamlet: Two Heroes for our Time 11:30 Short Papers Session 4 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: Werner Gundersheimer (Folger Shakespeare Library) Speakers: Lois Potter (University of Delaware). Fire in the Theatre: a Cross-cultural Code Toshihiko Shibata (Fukuoka University). Voices and Silences in Shakespeare's Plays: a View from a Different Cultural Tradition Alexander Leggatt (University of Toronto). Shakespeare and Bearbaiting B. Chairperson: Nico Kiasashvili (Tbilisi State University) Speakers: Dieter Mehl (University of Bonn). King Leaf in the Opera House Russell Jackson (Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham). Shakespeare in the Cultures of Victorian Britain Alan Brissenden (University of Adelaide). Shakespeare's Australian Travels Forum: Shakespeare's Globe Theatre [Auditorium, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy] [Leader: Andrew Gurr (University of Reading)] l4:00 Seminar XVII: The Idea of Female Impersonation in Shakespeare and Oriental Theatre (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) [Leader: Michael Shapiro (University of Illinois)] Seminar XVIII: 'Hamlet' and Hamletism [Leader: Alex Newell (Concordia University)] Seminar XIX: Gender and Cultural Difference [Leader: Madelon Sprengnether (University of Minnesota)] 16:15 Seminar XX: Shakespeare's Uses of History: New Approaches (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) [Leader: Michael Steppat (Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat)] Seminar XXI: Shakespeare and the New World [Leaders: Alden T. Vaughan (Columbia University) and Virginia Vaughan (Clark University)] Seminar XXII: Plays into Print: the Current State of Study, l991 [Leader: Ann Thompson (University of Liverpool)] 16:30 Film (second showing): 'Zeami and the Noh Theatre' (Auditorium, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) 19:30 Performance of King Lear by the theatre company Ban'yu-Inryoku (Panasonic Globe Theatre) ================= FRIDAY, l6 AUGUST ================= 9:30 Short Papers Session 5 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: Yuji Kaneko (Chuo University) Speakers: Shoichiro Kawai (Trinity Hall. University of Cambridge). Disguise in Shakespeare / Shakespeare in Disguise Alan Levitan (Brandeis University). Edgar as Also-'Ran': Kurosawa's Blind Boy and the Gloucester Plot Yasunari Takada (University of Tokyo). Caesarean Operation: Romanitas, Politics and History B. Chairperson: Linda Woodbridge (University of Alberta) Speakers: Coppelia Kahn (Brown University). 'In the teeth of emulation': Ideology and the Engendering of Virtue in Julius Caesar Inga-Stina Ewbank (University of Leeds). Shakespeare. Ibsen and Rome: a Study of Cultural Transmission C. Chairperson: Werner Habicht (University of Wtirzburg) Speakers: John Russell Brown (University of Michigan). Shakespeare's Plays and Traditions of Playgoing Annabel Patterson (Duke University). The Framing of the Taming 11:30 General Meeting of the International Shakespeare Association [Auditorium. Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy] 13:30 Short Papers Session 6 (Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy) A. Chairperson: G. R. Proud foot (King's College, University of London) Speakers: Gary Taylor (Brandeis University). Bardicide David Linton (Marymount Manhattan College). Enter Shakespeare, Reading: the Dubious Blessings of Literacy Yukio Kato (University of Tsukuba). Computing Elizabethan Stage Directions B. Chairperson: Martin Orkin (University of the Witwatersrand) Speakers: M. T. Jones-Davies (University of Paris. Sorbonne). Shakespeare in the Humanist Tradition: Sceptical Doubts and their Expression in Paradoxes Robert Weimann (Central Institute for the History of Literature, Berlin). Autolycus and the Broadside: Traditions of Elizabethan Popular Culture Revisited Forum: Shakespeare and Religion from a Japanese Viewpoint with Reference to the Four Great Tragedies [Leader: Peter Milward (Sophia University)] l8:30 Performance of the Kyogen, Akutaro, and the Noh play, Kagekiyo, by the Tessenkai Company (Hosho Noh Theatre) ==================== SATURDAY. 17 AUGUST ==================== 16:30 Performance of Kabuki plays: Bancho Sarayashiki, Sanemori Monogatari, Yaminoume Hyaku Monogatari (Kabukiza Theatre) |