YASUO TAMAIZUMI Introduction YASUNARI TAKAHASHI Falling Backward and Broken Maidenhead: SOJI IWASAKI Diagnosing Male Jealousy: Woman as Man's Symptom
in YOKO TAKAKUWA The Wonder of the Virgin Queen: EMI HAMANA The Taming of the Shrewd Critics SHOICHIRO KAWAI Creating the Female Self: MAMI ADACHI * * * Dialogue in Romeo and Juliet TETSUO KISHI "Those Are Pearls That Were His
Eyes": MITSURU KAMACHI Coriolanus and the Body of Satan KOICHI MURANUSHI The Bee Emblem in The Rape of Lucrece MISAKO MATSUDA Overlapping Exits and Entrances in Shakespeare's Plays MARIKO ICHIKAWA * * * Theories of Nature and Political
Legitimation: AYA MIMURA The First and the Second Parts of Henry
IV: SHIGEKI TAKADA "Remember Saint Crispin": TED MOTOHASHI Tamburlaine's Prophetic Oratory and ARATA IDE On the Margins of a Civilization: ATSUHIKO HIROTA The Masque of Queens: Between Sight and Sound YUMIKO YAMADA Contextualizing Shakespeare: SERGIO MAZZARELLI
Notes on Contributors 289
Index 293 |