The Sites of Conferences before 1996

The 34th (1995): Hiroshima Jogakuin University

The 33rd (1994): Sophia University

The 32nd (1993): Konan University

The 31st (1992): Yamanashi Eiwa College

The 30th (1991): Meiji Gakuin University

The 29th (1990): Hirosaki University

The 28th (1989): Shikoku Gakuin University

The 27th (1988): Fukushima University

The 26th (1987): Kobe College

The 25th (1986): Nagoya University

The 24th (1985): Toyama University

The 23rd (1984): Kwassui Women's University

The 22nd (1983): Niigata University

The 21st (1982): Nara Women's University

The 20th (1981): Okayama University

The 19th (1980): Meisei University

The 18th (1979): Kumamoto University

The 17th (1978): Shinshu University

The 16th (1977): Tohoku University

The 15th (1976): Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

The 14th (1975): Otani Women's University

The 13th (1974): Hokkaido University

The 12th (1973): Yamaguchi University

The 11th (1972): Ehime University

The 10th (1971): Tenri University

The 9th (1970): Kagoshima University

The 8th (1969): Kanazawa University

The 7th (1968): Akita University

The 6th (1967): Shimane University

The 5th (1966): Kyushu University

The 4th (1965): Tohoku Gakuin University

The 3rd (1964): Kwansei Gakuin University

The 2nd (1963): Waseda University

The 1st (1962): Kyoto University
