Shakespeare Studies

The Society annually publishes a refereed journal, Shakespeare Studies, in English. The Editorial Board is eager to publish outstanding papers on Shakespeare, Elizabethan Drama and related subjects for the benefit of a worldwide readership.

Submissions should be received by 30 September to be considered for publication in the same academic year.

List of Papers


Guidelines for Submission of Papers
  • Papers (articles, book reviews, and performance reviews) will only be accepted on the understanding that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers that have been orally presented are eligible for submission provided that the fact is clearly stated in a footnote.
  • Articles should be written in English and in approximately 6,000 words, excluding notes. Notes should be formatted as footnotes. Do not include the author's name or acknowledgments anywhere in the file. When the paper is accepted, acknowledgements will be printed at the top of footnotes. Put the author's name in the cover letter, which should also specify the title of the manuscript, affiliated institution, contact address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author.
  • Book reviews and performance reviews should be written in approxi-mately 1,000 words.
  • Papers should be sent by e-mail to as an attached WORD file (.doc, .docx) or a Rich Text Formatted file (.rtf). After receiving the submission, we will acknowledge it by e-mail. If you do not receive any response within 7 days, please re-send the paper as there may be a failure in transmission. (Please note, however, that the office is closed for summer and winter vacations and that the acknowledgement will be made after vacations.)
  • Submissions need to comply with Style Sheet to Shakespeare Studies, presented in the website of the Shakespeare Society of Japan.
  • Final acceptance or rejection, along with the date of publication of the accepted manuscripts, rests with the Editorial Board. Submissions should be received by 30 September to be considered for publication in the current academic year. The Editorial Board may also request revi-sions of accepted manuscripts.
  • If the paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to proofread the first proof only. The author may correct errors in spelling and grammar but may not revise the content.
  • Authors whose native language is not English should have their manuscripts checked and corrected by a native English-speaking person prior to submission. Permission to reproduce photographs or any citations from other sources must be obtained by the author prior to publication.
  • The Shakespeare Society of Japan will hold the copyrights of the sub-mitted papers (articles, book reviews, and performance reviews).


Style Sheet to Shakespeare Studies

Style Sheet to Shakespeare Studies

Typescript  Use footnotes, not endnotes. Use double spacing. Use only a single space after a full stop. Avoid creating 'Works Cited'; all the details of references should be in footnotes.


Numbers  In expressing inclusive numbers falling within the same hundred, the last two figures should be given: 13-14, 44-48, 103-09, 1933-34.


References  The sources of all quotations and citations should be clearly noted.

   The first reference to a book should be in the form:

E. K. Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage, 4 vols (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1923; repr. 1974), vol. 1, p. 123.

   The first reference to an article in a book should be in the form:

Marie Therese Jones-Davies, 'Shakespeare and the Myth of Hercules', in Reclamations of Shakespeare, ed. by A. J. Hoenselaars, DQR Studies in Literature 15 (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994), pp. 57-74.

   The first reference to a journal should be in the form:

Stephen Greenblatt, 'Sidney's Arcadia and the Mixed Mode', Studies in Philology 70.3 (July 1973), 269-78 (p. 270).

   Subsequent references:

Greenblatt, p. 272.

   When more than one source of the same author are used:

Greenblatt, Renaissance Self-Fashioning, p. 112.

   Do not use Ibid or op. cit.

   Act, scene, line references to plays should be in the form: Hamlet, 3. 4. 24-25.


Quotations  Never fail to specify the edition you used. Prose quotations of fewer than about forty words and verse quotations of less than three lines may be run on in the text, within quotation marks; verse line divisions should be indicated by an oblique ( / ) with a space on each side. Quotations within the body of the text should normally be followed by a parenthetical reference like (3.4.23-26) and (p. 78), after which the full stop comes. Longer quotations should be indented. 


Italic type  Italic type should be indicated by italicizing it. When words which would normally be italicized appear in upper case or italic context, they should be placed within inverted commas: From 'Mankind' to Marlowe.


Ellipsis  In order to distinguish points that appear in the original and points indicating an ellipsis, indicate an ellipsis by means of three points with space within brackets ([. . .]). When you omit a line or lines in quoted poems or verses, indicate them by putting as many points within brackets as will cover the length of a line.
