Greenblatt Dear Kishi sensei, Congratulations on the web site -- it is, I think, a remarkable achievement, interesting and user-friendly, and I was greatly interested in your letter (and honored by my own brief appearance in the publications section). I was also touched by the fact that I know so many of the people whom you thank in your letter -- I suddenly realized that, largely thanks to you, I actually now am acquainted with a whole network of fine Shakespeareans in Japan. Warm wishes, Stephen |
Mazzarelli Dear Professor Kishi, Thank you very much for your e-mail. The website of the Shakespeare Society of Japan (English version) is really great, and from now on I will check it regularly. Well done! Yours sincerely, Sergio Mazzarelli |
Dr Susan Brock 21 August, 1999 Dear Tetsuo, I have had a look at the Shakespeare Society of Japan web site and am full of admiration. It's excellent and has all sorts of features that we should include in an ISA site, especially the conference information. The people in Valencia are supposed to be producing a World Congress www site in due course and I shall make sure they have looked at yours as a model. Are you going to offer on-line registration for members eventually? May I make a suggestion with my Shakespeare Birthplace Trust hat on? We would be very happy for you to include a link to the Trust's site which I think your members would find useful. The URL is http://www.shakespeare.org.uk. It includes information about the work of the Trust, its library and collections, as well as the historic houses etc. and information about Shakespeare which may be of interest to graduate students at least. Best wishes, Susan |